Sunday, August 9, 2009

Welcome to my very, very first blog

Hi out there in web land! This is my very, very first actual blog!! I just saw Julie & Julia and I just thought what a wonderful idea. You see I have way too much time on my hands and I know I have a lot to say about lots of things that go on in my life and in the world, so why not just put my thoughts out there into the void.

So here it goes.

To start out with I have been out of work for a while now, no surprise since more than half of the people I know are out of work and it is tough. I am educated with two degrees in film and computers, but even with those it is not easy. I have send out resumes through CareerBuilder and craigslist and went personally to places and handed my resume straight to whoever I was told to give it to. It has now been months since I have gotten a reply from any of the places I gave my resume to.

So I try to keep busy with social activities, family, friends, and volunteer here and there, but I am use to working. I got a job right out of college and worked all through my twenties. I worked at film labs, archives, and retail places. I like feeling like I can do something and be useful. Now a days I try to gain what ever little experience I can with the volunteering. If you are curious I am in my mid thirties now.

My generation is feeling the pinch of what life might have been like for our grandparents during the Depression. Not that I think we are that deep in financial woes, but we are sure no longer in the Wall Street 80's were money kept flowing and jobs were everywhere. (at least that was my experience even though I was a kid during that time).

But like I said I was always able to find a job in doing something and I am frustrated and bored with waiting and waiting for anything. It is a struggle for everyone. It doesn't mater what religion, race, gender, or age you are everyone is feeling the affects of the economy fall.

They say there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I have yet to see it.

So I sit here, mid thirties, unemployed with two degrees and wondering what can I do now. There has got to be hope out there somewhere and that is what I try to stick to. HOPE. Hope for a job, hope for a better life, hope for love, hope for all.