Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Horoscopes are just silly

So every time I look at my horoscope in a newspaper, or online, I notice that it really never is applicable to what is going on in my life at the moment. It seems to think that I am in a relationship, or have a job, or kids, or traveling, but I am never in either.

So what is the point of horoscopes if what ever it says is meaningless. Maybe it is just guessing and who ever is writing these guesses has really nothing to back it. Just like going to those fortune tellers on the street and paying them twenty bucks just to hear a lie that, just like on line, or the newspaper, is a guess.

What is the point? Maybe they are just wishes (at least the positive ones are). Wishes that are out there so people can think it will happen and feel good. I just think it is silly to even bother with reading if you believe what it says and base your everyday around it.

They make movies on how horoscopes affect people's thinking and behavior, and games to encourage the idea that they are true and affective. And even celebrities seem to go for what they say and claim that they live their lives by it. (OK that last bit was a joke) But really I get frustrated with reading them.

Since at the moment nothing is really going on in my life that reading horoscopes seem to take up time in my day. I read them everyday and over focus on why it claims I should have a relationship, job, kids, money, travel when in reality I don't have any.

So I through this blog out into the void wondering if anybody even cares what I say on here. If they don't then I am just as content to put ideas out there to think about and ask ourselves. Why do we need horoscopes?