Wednesday, July 17, 2013

When people give you unwanted advice

So I am on Facebook and I am simply putting my feelings out there about how I feel about my girlfriend going back home to a different state then me and I may never see her again since I know she is not happy being in my state. Not that we won't still contact each other now and then and we will be friends when she goes home, but I do have the right to miss her without people suggesting that I move to her state with her.

I don't have money to move and neither does she. She was here to go to school so she can work back home, and we agreed to just have a summer romance and knew it would have to end soon. But all I get from people on Facebook is why don't you go after her and live with her, you two seem so happy together.

Hay I would live with my girl if I had money, or felt that I could contribute to our life together, but I can't and I am tired of acquaintances who I don't think know my situation well, or who did not even ask me  why we are mutually braking up,  giving unwanted advice. They feel that they have a right to  state what they think you should do to keep the one you love without asking why the bake up has to happen in the first place.

 So this is what I got to say to those ' helpful people out there who simply want to sound important'. Quit it, Facebook is not only about being helpful to each other, but also a place for people to vent their feelings about something without unwanted advice about their feelings or situation. Just knowing you have a place to vent your feelings is just good enough.