Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Why Illinois Needs to pass Marriage Equality

As always I need to out myself. I Am Gay! And I have the right to marry the lady I love. And hopefully one day I will. I mean DOMA is GONE!! One of many laws that was keeping lots of  people in my community from being able to marry the person they love. DOMA and Don't Ask, Don't Tell are now history! Both laws kept a lot of LGBT people from being themselves freely without fear.

With the death of these two laws we now can get even closer to being our best selves. Binational couple are safe from deportation, and couples can now get the federal recognition for who they are. So what is there still to do? States.

States can still makes laws that affect the state from recognizing same-sex families. So far California, Iowa, New York, Connecticut, Delaware, Massachusetts, Main, Maryland, Vermont, Washington, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Minnesota, and DC have marriage equality and that is a great start! But there is still a lot of work to be done to get more states to recognize the community.

I live in Illinois, were we do have civil unions, but not marriage. Civil Unions are good, but not quiet the same as marriage, and that is the work that is still needed to be done, to get Illinois to be the next state to have Marreige Equality. I mean I want to marry in the state I live in. I don't want to have to go to another state to marry just to get the state and federal recognition that I have the right to.

I know we can do it! We are a great community, and we fight for what we believe in, and I believe in marrying the lady I love. I know it will happen, it has to happen, ILLINOIS will be the next state to have Marriage Equality!! Yes We Can!!