Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Missing my friend

My friend of many, many years died recently from cancer. I don't know what tipe it was, just that is was cancer. This was my best friend, the only non-family person that cared about me a lot. We were not girlfriends, partners, or were even serious, but she would call every week to make sure I was ok and keeping busy.

She would hang at my little place a lot and watch TV, chat, or play on her laptop. It was very nice to know that someone other then family cared about me. Not that family is not important, but I really never had any friends, or anyone that really cared about me other then family.

Towards the end I would go over to her place and make sure she was ok. She was not able to talk mutch, she was connected to a breathing machine and didn't want too many people around due to having low energy. But she was always glad to see me and wanted me to come over as mutch as I could. No one, except for family, wants me around that mutch.

I was a polebear at her funeral. It was a very strict church that was not very welcoming to LGBT and sounded like the priest was condemning her life. I was so very uncomfterable not only because it was a church, but an unfriendly one. I was squeemish and moved a lot in the chair. I was not sure if her family knew she was gay. When her family was around my friend would shoosh me to not talk about the community when they were around. So I guess they didn't.

I really miss my friend. She cared about me, she would always call me and want to hang with me all the time. I know she had a good life and cared about people. I could only hope that I leave such a mark on someone's life like she did mine.