Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Going to camp

Well hi there anyone who is reading me. I am going to adult camp next week. What is an adult camp? Well for me it is meeting other adults at a very calm and fun setting. The setting being Main, calm being there are trees, lakes and activities. Yes there will be cabins, five to a cabin, food (breakfast, lunch, and dinner), evening dances and maybe some beer, but all in all the idea is to do activies together.

What are the activities? Well not sure yet, but I am sure they will be fun. I found this camp on-line believe it or not and what got my attention is that it is for adults. A camp for people in their 20's-50's. So I wonder what kind of activities there mite be? Maybe hiking, swimming, art, dancing, or boating.

I also understand that one does not have to do any of the activities. One can just relax and hang around Main. But then what would the point of doing the camp be if you are just there to hang. You pay money to have these activities available so why not do something.

I for one am looking to getting away from this nothing, mundane, boring routine I have of sending out now over five hundred resumes on line, walking all over the city, and staring at the TV. Everyone needs a change and this is mine.

So to end this one I will just ask : what do you do for fun? what do you do to distract yourself from the mundane life and routine?