Monday, August 10, 2009

The next day

Well here I am. Day two of blogging. I will try to come on here as often as I can, but maybe not everyday, I do want to have a life. Witch I guess I do. I have a great supportive family of my mom and step dad who help me financially and my dad who owns my apartment witch of cores helps me a great deal since that means no rent to pay. So I am not destitute, but I still can't afford to do a lot of things. The financial help is just enough to pay for basic stuff like the phone, the gym, and food. I really do miss being financially independent.

And my friends who invite me to go out here and there, and who chat with me on the phone for hours on end. I so do look forward to going out and being active, it is very easy to get really bored and depressed just sitting around cause you can't afford to do much more.

Did I say I am single? I am, and at this point a good thing since I only have me to support. I really can't afford to support anyone else, so that is a relief if you can call it that, but I do get lonly and wish I had a companion to take my focus off myself.

So to end this blog I would say I am in a good spot to find something to do that I like. What that is, even after all these months, I really don't know. I would do probably any kind of job as long at is pays something, or I gain experience from it.