Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Celebrating the Genderless Baby

A Genderless Baby, thank God, for a genderless baby. We should all celebrate in the wonderful life of a genderless baby, for this is the final frontier. GENDER is the final frontier because it is what we are all seen as. Man is man, woman is woman. We are all programed to just see two genders and except two genders. Yet there are tons of non-western cultures that recognize several genders, even celebrate the differences amongst them.

Why is this worth celebrating and recognizing? Because this is what is feared the most, NO GENDER. The religious right doesn't know what to do about it, everyday communication will change, and people will have to start thinking in a different way. The concept of seeing people as people and not by their gender. WOW, what a concept! We all must celebrate this new and wonderful baby.

The other reason for recognizing this is that I am gay. To be more specific, a Butch ( a lesbian who looks and acts more like a male), and even more specific soft butch. There are all kinds of butches, as there are all kinds of Fems (a lesbian who looks and acts feminine). If we follow this we see there are lots of different kinds of males and females.

What constitutes a male and female? Well the genitalia, you know, between the legs. So what if there wasn't any genitalia? Maybe breasts, but what if there weren't any breasts? How else will the GENDER be identified? Good question; BY THE INDIVIDUAL HUMAN! Everybody has the right to say and identify who they are. This is why this baby needs to be recognized as a wonderful being of change.

The genderless baby is the first of what I believe and hope will be the generation that will bring the ultimate change we all need, to be seen and judged by our deeds, not by our gender.