Sunday, March 28, 2010

Being Nice and Being seen as Silly

So here I am, A single lesbian and I am simply trying to get to know other women as a friend, just a friend, and I am seen as putting the moves on them when all I am doing is trying to be nice like getting to know them, chatting, going for a bite, and just happen to have gift certificates.

I tell you I don't get it when after you go out just for a simple bite with a women you like and just want to get to know better, they turn around and almost accuse you of putting the moves on them. I mean all you are doing is using the gift certificates you were holding on for months and are just sitting around going to waist, and who wants to waist money like that.

Did she think that since I just happen to have the gift certificates that I was putting the moves on her? I don't see it. If a women was putting the moves on me it would have to be more obvious than that. I see this as a nice gesture, not a move.

I have been in flings that were a lot more obvious then just sitting and talking. There were moves being done then simply paying for a bite with certificates. I mean there was hand holding, kissing, hugging, flirting, etc... going on at the table then just a friendly conversation about life and work that me and the woman had.

I am just confused? there you are just simply sitting and enjoying the company of a fellow lesbian, laughing and eating and then paying for the meal with gift certificates and thinking everything is fine and then suddenly getting an e-mail that read along the lines of, 'you know we are just friends right?' An insult. Trying to be nice and all you get is an insult, making you feel like you are some kind of a slut or something.

How does anyone get to know anybody without seeming silly or whatever? I mean why do people have gift certificates in the first place if they are not going to use them. I just wanted to use the certificates I had and at the same time get to know someone. Why am I the bad girl here when all I was doing was talking to someone.

I leave this out there so people can see how silly it is to over react to a simple gesture of someone paying for lunch with gift certificates.

Sunday, March 14, 2010


Did I every tell you I am a lesbian? Probably not. That is usually not the first thing I tell people when I meet them. I AM GAY!!! I am an OUT, PROUD, LESBIAN! There! So now that that is out of the way I can now speak of my wonderful community of LGBTQ!

I have been out since college, as well as most of the lesbians in my generation. We have come out in college or a little later. I am proud of my community, we are fun, caring, loving women who just want to have fun and be who we are.

Community is what counts in our lives. It is what we as out LGBTQ need to keep going, keep living, and keep loving who we are. It also is like a second family. Since many (again I am speaking from my experience, not stating facts or anything) primary families dislike us. They verbally abuse their gay kids and some even through them out of the house. They end up on the streets alone with out any place to call home.

We help each other in the community. We take in homeless gay youth and we help them to be proud of who they are. The Pride Parade helps us to convey our pride to the world, and help bring others out. That is the best tradition of the community, coming out. Everyone has a story, some good, some bad, some so inspiring that you just know in your hart that who you are is the best there is.

My out story is simple. Came out to myself in college, worked with it till I was comfortable with it, then in my late twenties told my family and they were fine with it. That is it. My mom even gets involved in the community here and there. Witch is great for me. Single yes, but always looking for a great woman to have in my life,(any woman out there want a great lady as a partner?)

I am sure what I am telling is nothing you haven't heard before being that now kids in high school are coming out! witch I find fantastic. I contribute kids coming out to the Gay-Straight Alliances that are popping up all over the place in schools to bring our community to the forefront and I say well done to them. They work hard to educate people about LGBTQ and that is another wonderful example of how a community should be.

All of the organizations The Task Force, GLAAD, Human Rights Campaign, Gay-Straight Alliance, and Equality Illinois just to name a few organizations that are a major part of our community. There are so many groups that support us that it will take hours just to name them all and each one is a vital part of all our lives because with out support we will be drifting in a sea of loneliness and hate.

Speaking of hate, I have not so nice words to say about the religious right and most straightes (straight people), but in this online world were things can be miss construed I will keep it to myself. I will simply say that I am against the religious right and most religions all together because they don't help us. They don't like LGBT and they remind us all the time they want to get rid of us. So why should I, an out lesbian, want anything to do with any religion?

And those straightes, well I will just say I am against most straight people. The very, very few that are our allies are OK, but I just can't stand straightes, they bore me and seem (to me) to be just as liam and silly as religion. I have never met a straightes that sounded ( yes I will be slightly insulting) intelligent or seem to have any idea of who they are and what they want, or had any ideas at all. Hell they even make jokes about us and don't seem to care. I mean really I just can't stand them.

Oh believe me I can go on and on about what I am against, but I really rather talk about what I am for witch is my LGBTQ community! My community that is pushing for change everywhere and is making everybody see what equality really stands for. We come together every day, week, year and we strive to change harts and minds to what the world really can be.

I see a wonderful future for my fellow LGBT and it is coming!! Our rights are coming, our lives are coming, and our loves are coming so look out world WE ARE HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE ARE QUEER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE ARE LGBTQ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Being Sensitive

HELLO WORLD!! I am back, from where? who knows, for what? who cares. I am going to try and get going on writing what I am thinking and doing. Hopefully a little more often then the past several months.

First off a very belated happy new year to the world and hope the world is doing well. I am OK and busy, busy. A lot has been going on (obviously since I haven't written in a long time.) So I guess I should start!

Don't you hate it when you feel sad, really sad that you probably hurt an animal, or a person, by accident and after words people tell you to get over it after seeing that nothing happened. I was playing with a puppy recently, a very cure puppy and I didn't know the best way to pick the puppy up. So I picked the puppy up from the shoulders and somehow dropped the puppy on the floor with a big thump.

Now the puppy was OK, still running around and such, but I heard the thump and a little squeak and thought I hurt it really badly. So I was upset and cried a little. I work part-time with animals and I am usually really great with them. Just this time I was probably a little over playful, I guess, but still this was at work and I really felt bad for hurting the puppy.

So I cried the rest of the day, not out loud, just teary eyed and muffled sobs. Co-workers as well as my boss told me to get over it. Since the puppy was OK and not hurt, all it was was just an accident.

Just an accident?! I thought from the sound of the puppy landing on the ground and the squeak the puppy made that I hurt it, and they are telling me TO GET OVER IT?! Why, shouldn't my boss and co-workers be glad that they have someone there that is sensitive about animals being hurt, shouldn't they be glad that I care so much that even accidentally hurting an animal would bothers me.

I don't get people sometimes. I am a sensitive person and any person or animal that is hurt bothers me. So why do people say GET OVER IT?! when they see someone crying over hurting an animal or a person they say put yourself together and GET OVER IT?! People should just let the really sensitive of us cry if we need to.

This is what I think drives people to do drugs and drink. We are not allowed apparently by society to feel anything!! we are always told to stop crying, get over it, put yourself together, etc.. Why can't the world just let people feel what they are feeling and let each other see that we are all human and they we care.

We all put on a mask everyday and act as if we are robots, when we are not. How long does the world expect people to act like that before someone explodes and needs drugs or alcohol to keep on covering their feelings. Why is showing feelings such a bad thing to do in public. We all have feelings, and constantly being told to not have them is not helping.

This is a new day, and we have a new president, so why can't we make our lives anew and just let people feel what they feel without verbally whacking them into drugs and drinking. If you work with animals and you are annoyed that a co-worker is upset that an animal was hurt then maybe you shouldn't be working there. Heck maybe you shouldn't be working anywhere because there will always be sensitive people. People who will cry in public, who will have tear stained eyes because another living creator is hurt, physically, or emotionally.

These are the people that should be held as heroes, as examples of who we really are, HUMANS! Humans care, react, talk, listen, and have feelings. You can't keep from being human, you can't get over being human, and you just can't always pull yourself together being human. So why do people say such things? Why is there a silly expectation that we can't be us, people who care and show we care? Why is there always a reminder to ACT AS IF? That never helps anybody and just causes more trouble to people.

I leave you for now with this to think about. Why tell someone to stop crying? If you see a person crying because they felt they hurt a living thing, why say get over it? How? how would you get over hurting a living thing? So next time you see a sensitive person, comfort them if you want, but please have a hart and let them be HUMAN!