Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Yay, for PRIDE!! What a time of year!! My community comes alive as we all celebrate being US!! being GAY, LESBIAN, BI, TRANS, and QUEERER. Yes it is PARTY TIME! This year is especially special to celebrate because a lot has happened in the community the past year. DADT is gone, marriages, and civil unions are all around, even TV is showing us in a good light, and for the third time I will be in the parade.

I love being in the pride parade. You walk for what seems like houres and crowds shout and clap as you walk with your fellow lesbians. You feel a rush of joy and happiness as you see how much people except you and are proud that you are you.

Of cores there is nothing wrong with being in the crowd either, except you are stuck with smelly, drunk people that scream in your ear and you are unable to see what is going on, so you have to push through the smelly crowd and if you are lucky someone will move for you to let you see what is going on.

Let us not forget all the parties that go on, OH WOW are there parties! Midsummer fest with all it's food and music will may you gain a hundred pounds then loos it by sweating to the beat of what ever band is playing, the shops that sell their stuff for pennies will make you feel like a millionaire with all your bags of goodies.

The Backlot Bash is not to be missed with lesbians upon lesbians drinking and dancing for three nights in a row. I mean nothing but alcohol and rock bands blasting all night long. Everyone just goes crazy and there is dancing and making out all over the place.

But that is what happens, and it is all in good fun and feeling good for who we are as a people, and who we are as a community.

HAPPY PRIDE!!!!!!!!!!!