Monday, August 1, 2011

Living a single lesbian life

So, here is a resent photo of me. Not bad hay, well still this doesn't give me any booty, or a partner for that matter. I have been single for, wow, many years, and still no woman has shown much interested other then being a friend. Which is OK, I like having friends. But that ideas doesn't help during those long, lonely nights. I am aware that wile there are now millions of same-sex marriages, there are just as many single LGBTs that either choose to be single, or for one reason or another just can't find the right woman for them.

Maybe that is my problem. I am picky. Maybe I have this huge imagination about what the perfect woman for me would be.

Well she does need to want me, I mean I don't want to waist my time with a woman who doesn't care about me or anything. I would do anything for a woman who shows she cares. She also should be a little sexy, maybe average size or better. Maybe blond, or brunet, I don't care about hair or eye color. Nor do I care if she is tall or short, heck I'm short. She does need to be educated, at least a BA in something. I have a BA in film so at lest that or more. And, most of all, lives in the same state as I do. I so hate long distance relationship. I just don't see the point in those. The longer apart a couple are, the easier it is to find someone els, then what happens. You brake up. So that is not for me.

So were does all of that leave me. Well, lonely, for sure. Hanging around the other lesbians just hoping one will show some interest in me. But I am working on excepting that it is ok. That list is just a wish list. Having the friends that I have and being somewhat supported from my family at least gives me some comfort and that is at least something. I will aways wish to have a civil union, but I can only have what I have, so what can I say.