Saturday, December 29, 2012

A New Year is Coming

                                    A New Year is Coming

   Well HI THERE!! All you wonderful people. Yes I have not been blogging that much. I really never blog except if I feel I want to say something. As of now I have not had much to say. I have been busy job searching.  Yes, I too have been unemployed for a year now and have, just like all of you out there, struggling to have even a little money, and still struggling even now.

  The one thing I have going for me is that my little place is paid for by my parents. Thank God, or I would be on the streets, and they are also nice in paying the bills. So I guess I really can't complain. But I have very little money to do anything else except watch TV. So in that sense I do need to have a job so I can afford to do more than just sit and watch TV.

    So far I want a job for the new year. What else? A girl friend would be great. As you all know I am an OUT and PROUD Lesbian !! and with all the wonderful changes that are taking place for our community to have families, I to wish to have a partner.  A wonderful woman who wants to be treated like a princess. I have been on a few dates, but no prospects. I know I can make a lady happy and just want the chance to prove it.

      Now I have two wishes for the New Year; a job, and a wife. What else? Well we all want to lose weight. I have joined a gym not long ago and I am trying to use it as much as I can. But come on, some of us just get too busy, or forget to go to the gym. So who knows, maybe I will remember to go, or just not bother. I have made an honest attempt to make sure I at least eat healthy this year. I make sure I have nothing but fruit and veggies in the house, but I will admit to getting takeout a lot, so I guess I am not good a keeping that promise.

     So again three wishes for the New Year; A Job, A Wife, and good Health. What else?  I don't know. There is a lot to wish for out there. Peace in the Middle East, Continue the progress in the LGBTQ community, Maybe a better life for everyone on earth, on and on and on......

     I guess there is no more to say about the coming New Year, except to say I am glad the earth didn't explode on 12-21-12, and wishing everyone a Happy and Healthy New Year 2013!!!!