Saturday, November 23, 2013

Being By My Self

Hay all, anyone out there? probably not. I am by myself a lot these days. I do Part Time jobs here and there, but most of the time I am alone. One would think that not having a lot to do would drive someone crazy, but not me. I seem to do OK, or even better when alone and in a calm environment.

I have always been alone and I have learned to except it as part of my little existence. I don't do much most of the time except TV and walking around, but I am OK with that. I am limited in function, and duo to that I am not able to keep a job or anything like that.

To me, being calm and just hanging is healthy for me for my mental precises. I need to be able to think in a calm and quiet place. I am unable to do so otherwise.  That is what is needed when one has the LD OCD 's that I have. The environment needs to be calm and quiet.

So, yes I am by myself a lot and I am OK with that. I am OK with relaxing and watching images on the screen, looking out the window at the change of the weather. And when I do the little PT that I do do I at least know that the environment is good enough for the time I am there.