Monday, December 30, 2013

Another Years Ends

So another year ends and I know I have learned a lot, mostly about posting things. I learned I have to edit myself when ever I have something to say. Wile I am not always happy to do so, since I have argued that I never named anyone in what I post, I figured it is best to just talk about myself since I am the one who is writing.

I also learned about loss. Loss of a great friend and a loss of a romance. The loss of a friend hurts more than the loss of a romance because I felt closer to the friend then the romance. Maybe because the romance was only a few months and the friendship was around a lot longer. Don't get me wrong, the romance was nice, but again it didn't last long. So the pain of that doesn't last as long as the pain of missing a friends one has had for years.

History also happened this year. LGBTQ rights were in the forefront of the news and we had our voices heard, and with that change in harts and minds of allies that helped us make the changes that was needed. I now live in a state where I can marry and be protected. Other countries are also starting to change in our favor and make laws protecting LGBTQ people. This makes me even more proud to be a Out, and Proud Lesbian!

What to look forward to for next year? Don't know yet. Hope to find a lady to marry, friends to hang with, family to visit with, and a future full of lesbian pride and happiness. What ever next year brings I know I will still be learning more.

                                               HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!