Monday, July 21, 2014

How I try to help my community

I have not written this year yet. I am just trying to make sure I just write about me and not about anyone else. Since I have a little quiet life, there is never much to write about. What I do do for my lesbian community is very little and am not sure if I make much of a difference.

For example I founded Being Gay Today. I have two web pages and a Facebook page for it. I don't make money with it. It is more of a tool for others to get the help they need. I never know if anyone has been on the websites or have contacted me through it. I am still proud of it anyway even if no one used them.

I do have a MeetUp social group for single lesbians witch seems to be doing OK. a few hundred if at all. I put up at least twelve events a month just to make sure that there is always events for lesbians to do. I don't always go but am glad the few who do do the events seem to have fun.

Then the newer contribution the L Lounge at the Center. A lesbian social, support, and friendly get together every month were lesbians can just hang, eat, drink, and just chat about life and community. No expectation, just being among your fellow lesbians in a special space were you can be you.

That is all. Not much els, what else can a single, poor, lesbian do for her community? who knows. I just try to be content with the little I can do and just hope I contribute a little.

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