Monday, June 8, 2015

Big Bang Theory and OCD

I am a big fan of the Big Bang Theory and the funny characters. I watch almost religiously every night all the episodes reruns and new ones and love the huge vocabulary that the main character uses to show how much smarter he is then the others.

But the real reason I watch is because I have OCD, (Dermitelemania- skin picking), and it seems Shelden has OCD as well, just not the same one I have. It is nice to see a character who is very, very high functioning and also, in some way, not. Just like me.

Were Shelden is unable to touch, or be near people, or objects physically due to Germiphobia, I can. Shelden over focuses on cleanliness and having the need to know everything about everything, I don't. I, on the other hand, were Shelden can hold a job for a long time, do to my OCD, I am not as able. Were Shelden is able to react to stress with just a little tick, I over react with skin picking. My picking reacts to anxiety, stress, boredom, excitement, happy, sad, and other times just routine daily function.

This is why it is great to see such a variety of characters now on TV. There is always a character for someone to relate to. I am glad for The Big Bang Theory for showing that even those who have disorders can be just as functioning as those who don't.

(P.S. in case you are curious of what Dermitelemania is, watch the movie Black Swan)

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